Secure valuable, paid work.
Start building your career with SouthWRK
Whether you’re looking for work, preparing for interviews, or polishing your job applications, SouthWRK is here to help.
Join us to unlock personalised careers support and digital resources to help guide your career, right here in Southwark.
We’re committed to helping you show your full potential.
- Aged 18-24
- Underrepresented background
- Undergraduate student or recent graduate
- Home (not term time) address in Southwark
CV and application reviews
Need an extra pair of eyes? Our experts will meticulously review your CV and job applications, providing constructive feedback to help present your skills and experiences in the best light. We’re not just building your CV, we’re building your confidence too.
Personalised career coaching
No two journeys are the same. With one-on-one support from our experts, we’ll map out your path to success. Your career coach will help with employability and provide unwavering support as you navigate the highs and lows of job hunting.
Expert resources
Insider tips in a few clicks. Get access to our digital platform and a wealth of online resources written by employability experts. Armed with our insider tips and professional knowledge, you’ll start your career and hit the ground running.
Valuable paid work
Still looking for the right job? We’ll help you source your own internships or offer you paid work with one of our employers. With at least 6 weeks of paid work, you’ll get financial stability and real-world experience as you embark on your new career.
The best part? It’s free to sign up.
We’ve partnered up with social enterprise Gradcore to provide free, personalised support. If you’re an eligible Southwark student or graduate, we can help you improve your employability and secure a valuable paid opportunity at a top employer. You will also have access to:
- Career coaching
- Mock interviews
- Platform with variety of helpful resources
The aim of this programme is to help you explore your career options, develop key skills to, widen your professional network, and most importantly – secure an internship/placement.